On the occult: a personal impression of mine has been that opinion on the occult has been polarized. Either it is utterly evil demon worship - this coming from puritan protestants, especially if they reside in the United States, but from other christians as well - or that it is completely good, but it is reserved for a mental or spiritual elite; those who demonise it are mental or spiritual peasants. My impression is that upon the Christianization of Europe, much pre-christian knowledge went underground, being studied by those few who were both educated and brave enough to go against the Church. These people were unfortunately joined by evil people, who would have been shunned in any society regardless if christian or pagan. Through deceit and misinterpretation and twisting of pre-christian traditional thought, they took over occultism and the spiritual and maybe even physical descendants of these people are in power to this day. Some of the global false elite that leads us keep practicing twisted pagan practices, combined with what could even be worship of evil entities. What happens is that the elite is accused of practicing paganism, thus giving the impression that pre-christian europeans did the same things that the global elite is doing today. This is FALSE. Mind that not all that is deemed as occultism is bad, however keep out a cautious eye. Many former pagans I know have fallen for degenerate, anti-Traditional paths such as LaVeyan Satanism and so on. If you are in doubt, check out the less "occult" sources, such as the primary ones, or studies done from Evola or Dumezil.